Al Sami Financial Services

Al Sami Financial Services Blog

- The Financial Blog is a forum for brainstorming ideas on some of the challenging financial  
    issues arising from articles, conferences, research and media comment.
    Participation brings about more meaningful values in society and enhances
    the wellbeing of people in our society. Also, it is hoped that this blog acts
    as a road map of indicative measures in the world of finance.
    - The issues of concern may be summarized as whether we should put financial interests
    before our values or alongside our values, or put our values before finance.
    In that sense, in this debate and quest for knowledge we are all searching for wise answers,
    whether business people, intellectuals, academics or from any other walk of life. Depending on
    the context, we discuss finance systems, product developments and finance structures and many
    aspects of this vital field and the life of the people. Needless to say, finance is considered
    the life blood of our country and by its nature is dynamic: many economic theories apply only to
    specific periods and places. The interaction between finance and economics has two faces, complementary
    but separately supplementing each other. The financial world, now more than ever, is in need of new
    financial systems to serve freedom, justice and the welfare of the people.
    - The financial message has to be for all people, developing our society. We might currently be in
    the early stages of our approach to this challenging and vital subject of revamping
    the look and functionality of finance but at very least it is a thoughtful process that
    we hope will benefit all. The debate is welcome and growing; sharing knowledge is our
    aim, making a blog that acts as a workshop for all thoughtful intellectuals aiming to contribute
    to the well being of the people and free the world from its current financial misery.